From message influx to structured client communication


Do you want to find out how one of our clients made up for lost time through excellent order management? Or maybe you want to know how she reorganized her work by really quickly fulfilling even more orders? Read on to find out how she was able to achieve all these things! 

The Creativa Hobbistica is a haberdashery started by Ms. Giusy from Palermo in Sicily. She currently owns two haberdasheries and is very involved in her relationships with clients, organizing various creative activities for them. About 2,5 years ago, during the pandemic, she started doing live selling, thanks to which she has stayed in touch with her audience. Giusy has almost 30,000 followers on her fanpage. During her broadcasts, the task that caused her the most difficulty was definitely transcribing and saving all the orders. With such a turnout, it is very easy to miss someone. Sending summaries was a time-consuming task, she had a lot of unread chats, making it more difficult to find herself.


Haberdashery Creativa Hobbistica started using our system in April 2023. We wished to know how Selmo affected her work, so we decided to ask a few questions. Here's what she told us: 

What was the reason you chose Selmo?

“The biggest difficulty we had was handling orders after the live broadcast. We could not serve so many clients in a short time. In addition, some comments wouldn't load at all or would get deleted, and it was always complicated to find them again”.


The same activity that used to take you so much time, thanks to Selmo has become easier to manage?

“Absolutely yes, Selmo has solved all our problems!”.

How has Selmo made it easier for you?

“The function without which I could not do without is definitely the management of messages and comments that often did not come under the Facebook live. Now thanks to Selmo, we can read all the comments, have a proper history and respond to each of them. Plus summaries that are generated automatically and the ability to even send cart statuses to short, we are really happy with every feature and novelty that Selmo brings”.


Why would you recommend Selmo?

“I recommend Selmo because we have saved and recovered so much time and have been able to put order and cleanliness in our daily work. One thing that needs to be emphasized is absolutely the convenience of no longer having to transcribe orders or mark them at the same time during the live broadcast”.


If you too face such inconveniences in your work on a daily basis, try Selmo. Sign up for a 7-day trial period, absolutely free. Check here and see how you can save more time.