The best tools for live streaming on Facebook


Facebook live streaming software is a tool that can transform online sales. Learn about its potential and how to make the most of it. Find out how to gain a competitive edge with Facebook broadcasts.


Facebook Live Broadcasting Software 

Live broadcasts are gaining popularity among marketers and entrepreneurs. Using the right tool, such as Facebook Live Broadcasting Program, you can reach a wide audience. You can respond to customers' comments and questions in real time, allowing you to better communicate and strengthen your bond with your target audience. Here's why customers like this way of buying products:

  • interactivity - live broadcasts allow you to interact with viewers in real time. Customers can ask questions, which salespeople answer right away. This gives a sense of direct communication and builds trust;
  • live demonstrations - customers can see the product in action, which is often more compelling than static photos or descriptions;
  • authenticity - live broadcasts are more authentic and personal than other forms of advertising. Viewers feel they are getting a sincere presentation of the product, without pretense;
  • exclusive offers - often retailers offer special promotions or discounts just for viewers of live broadcasts, which motivates people to watch and buy;
  • community involvement - watching a live broadcast with others gives a sense of being part of a larger community. Commenting and sharing the broadcast together can increase enthusiasm for the product;
  • direct recommendations - customers have the opportunity to share their opinions and experiences live, and their rating can convince others to buy;
  • comfort - shopping from home, without having to leave, is convenient. Customers can relax and enjoy shopping without stress.

Facebook live broadcasts benefit both retailers and consumers. They use technology to establish authentic human interaction, making the shopping experience more engaging and rewarding.


Where to do a live broadcast and what are the key elements?

Live sales broadcasts can be conducted on a variety of platforms. Facebook ranks among the largest social media in the world and offers a number of advantages for companies wishing to conduct live sales broadcasts. It has more than 2 billion monthly active users, potentially giving you a huge reach for your broadcast. You can easily combine your live broadcasts with other Facebook features (with a store) to redirect viewers directly to purchases.

How to start running sales broadcasts?Make sure you have the right tools and software, you can choose the Selmo platform, which includes all the necessary tools.


What do you need to run live broadcasts on FB? First of all, the basics are a stable Internet connection, a camera with good resolution and the right software, i.e. Facebook live streaming software.Before you start a broadcast, make sure your watchers know about it in advance. You can notify the community through posts, emails, ads or other communication channels. At the end of the broadcast, give your viewers a clear CTA. This can be an incentive to sign up for a newsletter, purchase a product or participate in future broadcasts.


How to do a Facebook live broadcast from your computer?

To start a live broadcast on FB, make sure you have the right Facebook live broadcasting program installed. Once you've turned it on, follow the step-by-step instructions provided by the software. Remember to check the video and audio quality before you start broadcasting.


Practical tips for beginners on Facebook broadcasting

Planning is the key to success
Before you start broadcasting, prepare a plan of what you want to convey. This could be a product presentation, a Q&A session with your customers, or a lecture on a particular topic.


Interact with your viewers

When broadcasting live, remember to regularly respond to viewers' questions and comments. This will make your broadcast more interactive and attractive to viewers.

Increase visibility and expand your customer network 

The digital age provides businesses with countless tools to promote their products and services. One of the most effective and community-connecting is Facebook live streaming. Modern customers are looking for authenticity, interactivity and valuable content - all of which live streaming can offer. Be sure to use the right tools, test the performance of your Facebook live streaming program and prepare to host a broadcast. 


In the right hands and with the right approach, live streaming becomes the key to online sales success. Don't wait - discover the power of Facebook live streaming today! 
