How to build an engaged community using live streaming on Facebook?


As you probably know, you need a wide reach and an engaged audience to achieve good sales results in your online shop using live streams or sales posts. Undoubtedly, both these things are related. This article focuses on how to make your existing clients more willing to get involved in post and live-stream discussions.


Let's start with a simple exercise

Think about whether you have a favourite grocery shop in your neighbourhood? Although it may not be the cheapest or the closest to where you live, you visit it willingly. Have you ever wondered why it is the case? What makes you choose this shop over others in the area? Perhaps a friendly Mrs Anna works there, always smiles, asks about your health and work or even sometimes shares a joke? One of the reasons why you choose this shop over a cheaper one is your affection for the seller. You know you won't find a sad salesperson there who barely says "Good morning" to you and with whom the whole event ends with casually said "Card, cash?”. When doing shopping there, you feel good even though, as a matter of fact, you don't know each other at all, right?

Build a relationship

If you have already completed the exercise, you know how important relationships with your customers are. When starting live stream sales on Facebook, you should first focus on building customer relationships. You probably think that’s easier said than done. In this article, we have some tips for you.


First, make sure your interaction with your audience is a conversation rather than a monologue. Talk to your customers - it's good not only for you but also for Facebook's algorithms. Are you starting a live stream? Say hello to your viewers and ask them to do the same. Ask them to write "hello" or let you know if they can see and hear you well. If you want to start your live stream less conventionally, you can ask them to tell you how they feel today on a scale of one to ten. Get them involved right from the very beginning.

Remember to ask users to interact every 20 minutes on average during a live session. You can, for example, do a survey about... the live stream itself. Tell your viewers that you want to show them some sweaters and dresses, but you want them to decide what they want to see first.

Make live streams regularly

Choose the best time to stream and stick to it. If you already have a few live streams behind you, analyse when your audience was the most numerous. Was it 6:00 pm on Thursday, or was it Wednesday morning? Remember, there is no exclusive "golden" time. You have to test it by yourself to determine what time will suit the largest group of your customers best. Don't be afraid to try different hours!

If you already know when you have the highest viewing figures, get your customers used to the fact that this is the time for your meetings. Suppose you schedule your live sessions on Thursdays at 6 pm. Remind your customers about it so that they look forward to them as if they were their favourite series, and carry out the live stream in such a way that it is a rest and relaxation time for your viewers. Let them feel like they are at a long-awaited meeting with a friend.

These two elements will enable you to quickly build a permanent group of loyal recipients.

Arouse a feeling of anticipation and evoke a good mood around the live stream

Do you have some free time, and your live stream is still three days away?

Post a funny picture or a meme referring to your business on your fanpage. Everyone likes to mellow out from time to time, watching funny content. This way, you can not only entertain your viewers but also prevent them from forgetting about you.


Are you on a well-deserved vacation, and your viewers know about it? Post a photo of a coffee cup with mountains in the background, sending greetings to everyone. You can ask them if they miss you already and assure them you will see each other as usual - in a week.

Remember what we have written at the very beginning: build a relationship. Let customers see you as a good friend rather than someone they can only buy something from.

Hand your profile (partially) over to your fans!

Did you sell dresses during your live stream a week ago? If you know that the goods have already been delivered to your customers, you can write a post asking them to post photos of the creations they purchased from you in the comments.

Are you out for a walk? Ask the viewers which of them likes walking as you do and ask them for photos showing what the weather is like in different parts of Poland. Another idea is to organize a contest for the best outfit on your fanpage. It can even become a recurring event.  Choose the best-dressed person from all the entries and offer them as a prize, such as a PLN 50 voucher for the next shopping.

As you can see, there are plenty of ideas. Your imagination is the only limit.

Surprise them!

Who doesn't like pleasant surprises? It's worth benefiting from it! When packing your order, add a nice surprise to the package. It doesn't have to be expensive; even a sweet gift, such as a heart-shaped lollipop, would be enough.

It is also a good idea to add a handwritten card, the content of which may read, for example, as follows: “Thank you for doing the shopping in our shop! Your order was packed with a smile, so you can also smile when opening the package! We are so glad that you are with us. See you during the next live stream - Your Boutique”.

What to remember?

  • Build a relationship with your customers: make them await and participate in your live stream sales eagerly.
  • Interact: talk to your customers during a live stream, ask them questions, etc.
  • Make live streams regularly: let customers schedule the time they will spend with you.
  • Offer them entertainment, post memes, and let them know how you are; let the customers treat you like a good friend.
  • Share your profile with your fans ever and again in a way that allows them to engage with and feel part of the community. Share photos provided to you by your clients.
  • Introduce an element of surprise: add small gifts to your customers' packages. You’ll see they will appreciate it!